Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Mini Study on the Inuit

During our new unit of inquiry we will be studying the cultures of groups of people from around the world.  We have discussed in class that the culture of a group of people includes information like:

If we can learn a little about each of these areas, we will know a little more about whichever group of people we choose to study. 
The mini research we will do today will help us discover how to do research and then report that research to the class.
Directions: Use the websites below to gather information on one of the items we have listed as culture for the Inuit people.  Your small group will be assigned one of the items above for you to research.  Gather information by taking notes on a piece of paper and then creating a short Keynote presentation. Be sure to show images and give lots of information!
Click the links to go to that page
Windows to the Universe
(This one has a great photo gallery for you to see pictures with captions)
Another thing you can try is type in Inuit (and the category you are searching for food, celebrations, etc..)  Read the short description for the website and if you think it would be helpful, read the entire website. 

Check out how our projects turned out!!  

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