Monday, May 13, 2013

Reptile Research

       This week our kids will begin research on a group of animals--The Reptiles.  They will only have two sub-headings to research this week which should allow them to concentrate on finding good information.  They are using the websites below and books from our library to study reptiles.

       Our guiding questions for our research this week will be....

What characteristics does an animal have to have to be called a reptile?
  • Find out what is so different about reptiles--think about what we learned about mammals!

What are three good examples of reptiles?
  • Find information about three reptiles that interest you most.
      The students will be taking notes in school for most of this week and then turning those notes into a short non-fiction writing piece.

Website Research

Wikipedia Reptiles

National Geographic
What pictures and information on this site!!!

The San Diego Zoo
This website has some individual infromation on the actual animals.
This frog is learning about the circle of life, the hard way

The Animal Planet
Great video and images of reptiles

The ARKive
Great pictures and video for fifty reptiles.  Great video to make observations and add info for your notes.

Enchanted Learning

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