Monday, June 2, 2014

Corel Reef Reseach Project

Our next ecosystem will be the ocean coral reefs. 

So far in our Sharing the Planet unit of inquiry, the kids have researched and studied the habitats of the world rainforests, and deserts .  We have also studied food chains and looked at food chains from the habitats we have studied.

The sub-headings they will research for this writing topic will be:

To demonstrate their learning, I would like them to take their notes and make either a Keynote presentation, write a non-fiction report on Pages or make an Imovie.

1.  What are coral reefs?  Describe types of coral.   Describe what coral is and where you could find it.  What do coral need to live?

2.  Study three animals that live on or near coral reefs
What do they eat?  What eats them?  What special body parts or behaviors do they have for either protecting themselves or getting food?  How do they use the coral reef to survive?

3.   What dangers do coral reefs of the world face? Research and report on just one.

On-Line Resources To Use


Enchanted Learning- Coral Reefs- Great site for all three subheadings

3 minute Coral Reef Video--National Geographic

The Great Barrier Reef--Video

National Geographic--Animals of the coral reef

Coral Reef Info Site- Great info on the animals of coral reefs