Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Our Thanksgiving Feast

Yesterday our classroom family shared a banquet of food for our classroom Thanksgiving feast. Several families brought in food and my room moms help organize our meal! We had corn, cornbread, cranberry sauce, scalloped potatoes, veggies, cookies, cakes, and a 17 pound turkey. For desert we had a turkey cake, cookies, and brownies.

The kids destroyed that turkey!

Check out our pictures below.

The first few so our Thanksgiving craft. For morning work these past two days I had the kids write short answer responses to these two questions: what are you thankful for? What is your favorite Thanksgiving memory. Yesterday they could write either of those on their paper which was attached to their project. The crafts were not the easiest things to put together. They had to read instructions and look at a very small picture of what they were suppose to look like when completed. Just like any kid in this modern age, they weren't satisfied with the directions- I think they wanted the picture bigger! If they could have I think they would have tapped the picture to make it expand like pictures on iPod touches. I was so proud of how they worked together and helped each other finish each project. Check out one of our kids using the hair from the pilgrim sets to experiment with a new look.

The next set of pictures shows our feast.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Mr. D

Friday, November 9, 2012

Stone Soup

This week we have been reading the story Stone Soup. In one of the versions we read strangers convince a group of townspeople to share what resources they have to make a meal together. By sharing everyone has an enjoyable experience and learns to care about each other.

Today, as we worked, a kettle of soup cooked away. We reenacted almost the entire book, adding ingredients just like the characters did in the story.

Last night I cut up veggies, meat, separated spices, precooked noodles, broth, etc... All was done so each of our kids could add one ingredient. Each time I would recite the lines from the story, "ah this soup looks great but the last time I made stone soup, carrots made it more delicious. But why ask for what I cannot have."

Our room, and the hallways of our school, smelled amazing all day. At first the boiling meat wasn't too amazing. One of our students asked told me he wasn't eating anything that smelled like that. As we added the ingredients the smell changed. I think he had two bowls later on!

We enjoyed our soup as a snack after lunch. Some of our little people had two bowls while a few had three or four. I walked out of the school with a completely empty pot! Check out some of the pictures from our day.