Thursday, September 27, 2012

Outdoor reading!

The other day we took advantage of the nice weather to do 15 minutes of reading under a tree. I encouraged the kids to find a spot outdoors, with permission from Mom and Dad, where they can relax and read.

We will try to get outside a few more times before freezing weather!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Thick vs Thin Questions

Today we began our first unit of inquiry under the PYP theme How We Express Ourselves. This first lesson was teaching the kids how to ask thick questions. Thick questions require an answer that needs to be researched or explained. Questions that only elicit a yes or no answer we defined as thin questions. The purpose of teaching our kids to ask thick questions is to drive them to wonder and explore whatever topic they would like to learn. Any of the PYP units we study this year will require them to ask questions and research to discover the answers. Mrs. Fox, our PYP coordinator and speech teacher, tested our class on questioning. She presented the item shown below and asked the kids to make thick questions.

They said- what is it made of?
Why does it have a groove on one side?
Why is it flat on one side?
What is it used for?
These are example of thick questions.

The item, called a Coffee Joulies, is shaped like a coffee bean. It is used to keep coffee warm. Apparently one of these can be plopped into hot coffee and this will keep that coffee warm for hours!

The kids were amazed. They did a great job with this first lesson however it does take practice. It is so easy to generate a question about something that only requires a yes or no answer.

Later lessons will then challenge the kids to research the answers to their questions.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012